
DUI/Traffic Attorneys (Abogados) in Rockford, IL
Defending Clients in Traffic Violations and DUI in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in Illinois, carrying severe penalties. The state does not take drunk or drug-impaired driving lightly and, if you are charged with this offense, you should take the matter seriously by ensuring that you have experienced and aggressive legal representation. A traffic violation can also be an aggravating legal matter which can result in hefty fines, increased insurance premiums, and a suspension of your license in the worst cases.
If you or someone you know has been charged with a DUI, whether a first offense or a subsequent one, or if you are facing a traffic citation which you wish to fight, we recommend that you speak with a Rockford DUI Lawyer at Vella & Lund, PC. Our legal team has a combined 155 years of legal experi ence which means that we know the laws, procedures, and legal strategies necessary to vigorously fight the charges, whether a misdemeanor or felony DUI, a speeding ticket, a reckless driving charge, or some other moving violation. By getting the legal advice you need in a consultation with a Rockford DUI Attorney, you can understand your options, the implications involved, and how best to proceed.
Rockford DUI Lawyer
If you are charged with a DUI as a first offense, you face up to one year in jail, fines of up to $2,500, a license suspension of 6 months to a year, possible vehicle registration suspension and an alcohol treatment program. You will also be subject to court costs, surcharges, and expenses connected with completing the terms of your sentence, such as alcohol education and license reinstatement costs. In cases where your blood alcohol concentration exceeded .16 or where a child under 16 was in your vehicle at the time, you face more severe penalties. Subsequent DUIs within 5 years carry increased penalties as do DUIs involving accidents in which another was injured or killed.
If you have been charged with a DUI, your license is already in the process of being suspended. Should you be convicted of DUI or fail to challange the charge the Secretary of State will automatically suspend your license. Call us here at Vella & Lund and speak to one of our Rockford DUI Lawyers today to see how we can help.
Rockford DUI Attorney
Three convictions for traffic offenses within one year can result in the loss of your Illinois driver's license. How long your license is suspended will depend on the number of points you have accumulated. By paying the fine of your traffic citation, you are automatically being convicted of the offense. You do have the right to fight traffic charges and, with the help of a skilled Rockford traffic violation attorney, you may prevail in a court of law.
Contact Rockford DUI attorneys at the firm to find out how you can fight the charges against you today.